February 1998 by Flying Stone
Verse 1
One black day came the aeroplane
In its body death
Threw it on the town, flash and heat
Burned out the face of life
Yes, I love you, your dark hair and eyes
Your white teeth, your laughter
Your body, as you walk
Tell me what you’re thinkin‘ about this crazy world
Hold me in your arms just for a while
Sometimes I’m dreamin‘ that you are gone
Feelin‘ lost and lonesome, searchin‘ for a smile
Yes, I love you, your dark hair and eyes
Your white teeth, your laughter
Your body, as you walk
Tell me what you’re thinkin‘ about this crazy world
Hold me in your arms just for a while
Verse 2
Another black day the slaughterers came
With their blody knifes
Killed baby, woman, man and child
In the name of a certain god
Verse 3
The third black day all the hatred came
Against any other race
Ugly people did ugly work
The sun got dark from tears
© 1998 Flying Stone