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Film is a complex form of expression. Combining photography with sound increases the space of what can be transmitted, but it increases the risk of failing in the attempt to create an art work that is more than its components alone. The result should justify the sacrifice of freedom that a listener otherwise would have when concentrating on the music, close the eyes and use imagination and fantasy to fill tune and lyrics with own experiences and reflections. Of course, a music title may take both roles, being part of a music album, and being part of a video. However, watching a music video will in many cases impact the pure listening, since one then has pictures in the head already.

There are several video formats which I found meaningful. This includes sessions with spontaneous video recordings on different themes, like 80s Session, Romantic Session, or Boarisch Session. An Official Music Video presents a specific song, often in the form of a studio production. The formats Mountain meets Music and Nature meets Music emphasize our relationship to nature, with sound tracks that may contain more than one music title supporting and extending the content of the video.